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The 15 Best UX Blogs in 2016

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4 min read · View original · blog.debugme.eu

It was a long time ago since we last published a top list themed blog post. Earlier we made lists about the best front-end tools, the best web design blogs and our favorite front-end sites. Lucky for you we couldn’t help ourselves any longer and created the list of best UX blogs in 2016. Just for you. Without further ado, start scrolling! :)

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Nielsen Norman Group

NN/g conducts groundbreaking research, evaluates user interfaces, and reports real findings – not just what’s popular or expected. With their approach, the NN/g blog will help you create better experiences for real people and improve the bottom line for your business.

UX Booth

UX Booth is a publication by and for the user experience community. This site’s readership consists mostly of beginning-to-intermediate user experience and interaction designers, but anyone interested in making the web a better place to be is welcome there. Take a look, they’re awesome.

Are you a front-end developer or a web designer? This is the tool that will make your work a lot easier in 2016

UX Movement

UX Movement is a user experience blog that shows how good and bad interface design practices affect user behavior. They believe that a clear, fast and easy-to-use interface is the greatest user experience. Sounds great, right?


The Usabilla blog is one of the best in the UX business. The post are always interesting and insightful, and their best of and top lists are even better.

Boxes and Arrows

Boxes and Arrows is devoted to the practice, innovation, and discussion of design; including graphic design, interaction design, information architecture and the design of business. Since 2001, it’s been a peer-written journal promoting contributors who want to provoke thinking, push limits, and teach a few things along the way.

A simple visual feedback and bug tracking tool for front-end developers Watch video

UX Pin

Guides, articles and ebooks that explore all facets of UX Design — from prototyping to trends to best practices.

UX Magazine

UX Magazine is a free community resource exploring all facets of experience design. They work closely with practitioners and industry leaders versed in all areas of UX to provide a steady stream of engaging and useful content.

UX Matters

Founded by Pabini Gabriel-Petit in 2005, UX Matters provides insights and inspiration to both professionals working in all aspects of user experience —at every stage in their career—and students who are just beginning their journey in user experience.

It’s Time to Make the Switch from Graphic Design & Web Design to UI/UX Do you agree?


Designmodo is a great resource of informative material for designers and web developers. They have an incredible shop too.

Digital Telepathy

The goal of this blog is simple: Educate and inspire others to positively impact the world with design.

Usability Geek

Justin Mifsud is the founder of Usability Geek. He started this blog way back in June 2011 as a personal hobby so as to evangelize about the importance of website usability. He did a great job.

UX Myths

This one is our absolute favorite. UX Myths collects the most frequent user experience misconceptions and explains why they don’t hold true. And you don’t have to take their word for it, they’ll show you a lot of research findings and articles by design and usability gurus.


Michael post resources, review tools and write the occasional blog post on UX Design. And he do this flawlessly.

Little Big Details

Little Big Details is a curated collection of the finer details of design, updated every day by Floris Dekker and Andrew McCarthy.

UX Apprentice

There’s a lot of art and science behind creating a lovable user interface. This site is designed to teach you the basics with an easy process to follow, and pointers for where to learn more.


This was our selection of the best UX blogs. Do you agree with the list? Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments or shoot us a tweet.


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