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What is Push?

Push is the fastest way to get up and running with Javascript desktop notifications. A fairly new addition to the official specification, the Notification API allows modern browsers such as Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and IE 9+ to push notifications to a user's desktop. Push acts as a cross-browser solution to this API, falling back to use older implementations if the user's browser does not support the new API. You can quickly install Push via npm:

npm install push.js --save

Creating Notifications

So just how easy is it to create a notification using Push? We can do it in just one line, actually:

Push.create('Hello World!')

No constructors, just a universal API you can access from anywhere. Push is even compatible with AMD as well:

define(['pushjs'], function (Push) {
   Push.create('Hello World!');

If the browser does not have permission to send push notifications, Push will automatically request permission as soon as create() is called. Simple as that.

Closing Notifications

When it comes to closing notifications, you have a few options. You can either set a timeout (see "Options"), call Push's close() method, or pass around the notification object and call close() directly. Push's close() method will only work with newer browsers, taking in a notification's unique tag name and closing the first notification it finds with that tag:

Push.create('Hello World!', {
    tag: 'foo'

// Somewhere later in your code...


Alternatively, you can assign the Notification wrapper returned by Push to a variable and close it directly:

var notification = Push.create('Hello World!');

// Somewhere later in your code...


When it comes to clearing all open notifications, that's just as easy as well:



The only required argument in a Push call is a title. However, that doesn't mean you can't add a little something extra. You can pass in options to Push as well, like so:

Push.create('Hello World!', {
    body: 'This is some body content!',
    icon: {
        x16: 'images/icon-x16.png',
        x32: 'images/icon-x32.png'
    timeout: 5000

Available Options


Push is based off work the following work:

  1. HTML5-Desktop-Notifications by Tsvetan Tsvetkov
  2. notify.js by Alex Gibson