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Inclusive Design – The big chance for designers to make the world a better place

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1 min read · View original · benedikt-lehnert.de

Disability is a design problem, not a physical condition. It’s a reality that can be changed.

At Microsoft we’re paving the way for inclusive design. Because good design makes products usable for everyone. We strive to design products that are not just accessible, but that are elegant experiences for people with and without disabilities.

Not only is inclusive design a refreshing challenge needed in the software industry where dribbblisation has led to streamlined and rather narrow-minded product thinking and design work; it is also our moral imperative as designers who design products at scale to push the boundaries of our own craft.

Inclusive design is a wonderful chance to be more creative, create deeper connections and serve more people.

As designers and product people, inclusive design is a challenge for us to grow; to reach beyond our own perspective, knowledge and mindset with the focus on making products that work through and through, not just on the surface.

The mindset of inclusive design is deeply rooted in humanist values and the purest definition of design. It demands and relies on collaboration and communication between discipline, on empathy and understanding for the people we design for.

Inclusive design is not an excuse for lazy, boring or ugly experiences. It’s the designer’s job to find the beauty and elegance in the midst of constraints.

Inclusive design does not start nor does it stop with software. And as we grow into this mindset I’m looking forward to seeing designers all over the world step design products and services that are inclusive. It’s our job to make the world not only a prettier, but a better place.

Here’s to designing product everyone loves!