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A WebAssembly Milestone: Experimental Support in Multiple Browsers ★ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog

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5 min read · View original · hacks.mozilla.org

WebAssembly is an emerging standard whose goal is to define a safe, portable, size- and load-time efficient binary compiler target which offers near-native performance—a virtual CPU for the Web. WebAssembly is being developed in a W3C Community Group (CG) whose members include Mozilla, Microsoft, Google and Apple.

I’m excited to announce that WebAssembly has reached an important milestone: there are now multiple, interoperable, experimental browser implementations. We still have a lot of work left on the standard implementation before shipping, but this is a good occasion to present our progress so far, talk about what’s coming next, and invite feedback.

Why WebAssembly?

The low-level asm.js subset of JavaScript has demonstrated not only that it’s possible for browsers to achieve safe, sandboxed, near-native computational performance, but that there’s tremendous demand for this kind of capability on the Web. Thanks to the Emscripten compiler, we’ve seen asm.js used for a diverse and growing array of applications, including mapping, cryptography, compression, games, CAD, image editing, and facial recognition.

The WebAssembly CG formed last year to take the Web the next step further, with a standardized binary format whose storage size and decoding times could be optimized beyond what is possible with JavaScript. Additionally, by being a new standard, WebAssembly is able to evolve to accommodate low-level features independently of the evolution of JavaScript.

At the same time, we knew it was important for WebAssembly to be “of the Web:” it had to access existing Web APIs and integrate tightly with JavaScript by, e.g., allowing calls between WebAssembly and JavaScript. Unlike classic plugin models, this will allow WebAssembly to be more easily integrated into JavaScript applications and libraries, just as asm.js has been able to do.

Finally, we’ve been able to draw on our years1,2,3,4,5,6,7 of experience with Emscripten and asm.js to guide and focus the initial design of WebAssembly. And crucially, with the great performance of asm.js code on modern browsers, the creation of polyfills will allow developers to begin using WebAssembly even before native implementations have reached saturation in the browser market.


Fast forward to today, and the CG has already made a remarkable amount of progress. Within the WebAssembly GitHub organization, the group has produced:

What’s more, engineers on four browser engines have implemented prototype WebAssembly implementations1,2,3,4. Within Firefox, we refactored our existing asm.js optimization pipeline to use WebAssembly’s binary format as the representation of asm.js code sent from the main parsing thread to the background compiler threads.

This change ended up significantly improving asm.js parallel compilation performance by moving two costly steps, MIR and code generation, off the sequential critical path. With this refactored pipeline, native WebAssembly decoding only requires the addition of a small new frontend to validate the untrusted bytes:

asm.js and WebAssembly compilation pipeline

For definitions of these terms and more background on JS and asm.js compilation, see this previous blog post.

Experimenting with WebAssembly

With all these pieces in place, it’s now possible to build WebAssembly demos that run on multiple experimental implementations. We do mean “experimental”: both the binary format and JS bindings for WebAssembly will likely change incompatibly over the next months until the first edition is stabilized. And we don’t expect implementations to be mature enough for stress tests or benchmarking for some time yet. Rather, the importance of this milestone is getting all the browsers on the same page so we can continue to iterate in sync.

With all that said, it’s gratifying for us to see a real, working demo that will run in multiple browsers:

Screenshot of AngryBots

This particular demo actually has some nostalgic value: AngryBots is a Unity tutorial project which was used as a smoke test while bringing up Unity’s WebGL export. Good memories! :)

To run the demo, download a Nightly build, open about:config and set javascript.options.wasm to true.

Path To Release

So what’s next? There’s more to do before we have a stable, shippable first edition. In the CG, some big remaining tasks are:

In Firefox we’re also planning to:

Full Speed Ahead

The progress on WebAssembly so far has been exhilarating. I continue to be impressed and appreciative of the collaborative atmosphere of the whole WebAssembly Community Group. If you want to learn more, the GitHub org page is a good starting point. Happy hacking!

About Luke Wagner

Luke Wagner is a research engineer and hacks on WebAssembly and asm.js in Mozilla's JavaScript engine.

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