Matita Thoughts and experiments

Jekyll errors for GitHub Pages update to Jekyll 3.0

Quite recently GitHub Pages updated to Jekyll 3.0. As every migration it could bring to some issues, so here are my findings for a project that I’m working on.

Since it is not a basic blog but a bit more complex project, I suspect I will find some more issues. I’m writing those as soon as I’ll find them.

I started to acknowledge it before the announcement since some warning about the compatibility with Jekyll 3.0 of relative_permalinks configuration in _config.yml.

This was easy: I just removed the relative_permalinks clause in the config file and the problem disappeared.

2. Missing dependency: kramdown

But, after the announcement, I couldn’t build anymore the site for a project I am working on, so I git pulled, updated my local project dependencies with gem update github-pages and tried to jekyll serve.

It gave me an error of missing dependency: kramdown, so I asked Google how should I resolve this and it told me to gem install kramdown or add gem 'kramdown' to the Gemfile. This didn’t work for me.

After some other searches I found the solution in this post from Tom Elliot. Basically now I just have a Gemfile made like this:

source ''
gem 'github-pages'

and running

bundle clean --force
bundle install

resolved my issue.

3. Stack level too deep exception

I thought it was all good! But I was wrong…

When I ran jekyll serve it gave me a stack level too deep exception in _layout/post.html.

Again Google gave me some hint by pointing me at an issue on Jekyll GitHub repository.

I searched for all the occurences of jsonify in my templates and I found I was using var post = {{ page | jsonify }};.

I tried to replace it with var post = {{ page }}; and so I could jekyll serve without errors.

Unfortunately this would not work for me since the output of {{ page }} is obviously not a valid json, so I had to replace that row in my template with this:

var post = {
	title   : {{ page.title | jsonify }},
    path    : {{ page.path | jsonify }},
    content : {{ page.content | jsonify }}

I don’t like this solution very much, but it works for now since currently I only need these properties for the rendered post. If I’ll come up with a better solution I’ll write about this.

4. Jekyll-paginate plugin

Another error that popped up was:

Deprecation: You appear to have pagination turned on, but you haven't included the `jekyll-paginate` gem. Ensure you have `gems: [jekyll-paginate]` in your configuration file.

I just had to add to _config.yml these lines:

  - jekyll-paginate

Have any thoughts, questions, criticisms? Tweet me at @il_matita, I'd be happy to know your opinion on the subject!