Matita Thoughts and experiments


I finally had some time to work on the Clocks web app I thought about in the previous post.

It is not perfect (yet) as I wanted it to be, but if I’d release it when I think it is perfect I surely won’t release it anytime.

And soooo… here it is! Clocks

I wanted it clean and simple, but maybe it is too clean and simple… Maybe I’ll update it with some info and instructions.

Current features are:

  • you can search cities to add a new clock
  • you can name the clock to identify it with something more specific than the city name (e.g. in my case I’d name it with customer name)
  • when you add/rename/delete clocks the URL auto-updates, so you can bookmark it and save your current configuration, or send the link to someone to share your clocks with names
  • optimized for mobile

There is still something missing from my original idea:

  • it doesn’t work offline
  • it requests all the informations on every page reload (I wanted it to request mostly once per day to update Daylight Saving Time)

For the development process I’m using Browserify and some Grunt task to validate and minify the code, but CSS and HTML is still embed in index.html, I plan to use Less and some template engine like Handlebars.

Hope it is usable and useful for anyone.

Ideas for clocks web app

Since I often need to know what time it is in different cities in the world for work, I’m thinking about writing a simple web app to show me the different times.

Here are the specs:

  • clean and simple
  • mobile friendly and accessible offline
  • it should take Daylight Saving Time into account
  • it should be possible to give a name to the clocks (apart from the city)
  • autocomplete to add a new city/clock (with actual cities)


  • set a specific time and know what is equivalent in other cities
  • manually sort the clocks

Useful resources

Hello World

Hey! I made something no one ever did! I titled my first post “Hello World”!

Now I have a new project to think about and that I’ll never finish: my blog.

I will write another post where I’ll explain how I set up this, maybe it will be useful to someone.

In the meantime you can reach me on Twitter as @il_matita

Stay tuned!